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Class Action Suit Against Online Casino

  1. Class Action: Casino Queen Illegally Collected And Stored ...
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Four gaming companies hit with online gambling lawsuits ...

The Story

On Tuesday, December 11, 2018, the Defendant (if pursued), Huuuge Casino (HC) experienced some severe technical issues. The site was up and down several times that evening and then finally down for several hours. HC posted on their Facebook page that the system would be down for at least two hours. Once the site was back up, they deleted the post which had an alarming amount of negative comments and replaced it with the one shown below.


This post (at https://www.facebook.com/huuugecasino/photos/a.1586558344939926/2250844608511293/?type=3&theater) angered many customers and the comments started flooding in. The proposed Lead Plaintiff (LP) for this case logged into the system to find that he had lost the prior 24 hours of activity. As an Information Technology professional, LP identified the likely cause to be a “System Restore”, much like what you might do with a computer that went awry. On the date of the incident, LP had purchased two items; Personalized Mega In-game Pack for $9.99 USD and Big Special Pack for $4.99 USD. These purchases included Silver and Bronze “Lottery Tickets”. At the time, the prizes for completing the Bronze Puzzle was 70 million chips and the Silver Puzzle was 700 million. LP completed the Bronze Puzzle three times and the Silver Puzzle one time with all tickets. This increased his balance by 840 million chips. Additionally, LP was awarded 24 hours at “X2” which means the amount of spending chips required to reach the next level was reduced by 50% during that period. LP achieved level 279 and was subsequently awarded approximately 28 million chips as well as an additional 5 minutes at “X2”. At the point where LP was knocked offline by the technical issues the last time, he had approximately 1.8 billion chips. Once LP realized what had happened, the following message was sent to HC via Facebook Messenger:

You did a system restore as is evidenced by 1) level 278 when I was at 279 and almost at 280. 2) 24 hours at x2 was awarded from a lottery ticket. 3) all lottery tickets purchased (bronze and silver) erased from existence… To remedy this, you will (and this isn’t negotiable)… THREE billion chips in the account added… REISSUE the silver and bronze tickets purchased yesterday… 48 hours at 2x. If you do not do this as directed, I will let you know what happens next, but for now, I’m giving you one chance to fix it. Thank you.

Class Action: Casino Queen Illegally Collected And Stored ...

Class Action Lawsuit Please sign up to receive updates regarding the Class Action Lawsuit that may be filed against the company that owns Huuuge Casino. Your contact information will ONLY be used pertaining to this matter and WILL NOT be shared with Huuuge.

LP contends that this demand was reasonable in light of the inability of HC to guarantee that re-issuance of Lottery Tickets could not guarantee the same net outcome in winnings nor could they guarantee that the efforts to reach the point LP was at when the system finally went offline would bring him back to where he was. That, coupled with the inconvenience factor made this demand worthy of calling it non-negotiable.

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HC read the message on December 13, 2018 and did not respond. Instead, LP alleges that they blocked him from contacting them as evidenced by inability to send a message to them over the course of several attempts at various times. See image below which shows the message and the image next to that showing no “Send Message” box on their Facebook Page.

  1. Aug 18, 2020 Nevada casinos enjoy baccarat bounce in October, but dire November awaits. A class action lawsuit has been filed against the video game publisher with a request for $5 million worth in damages.
  2. Settlement money from a class-action lawsuit doesn’t usually amount to much, maybe a few dollars. Occasionally, class-action suits can be very profitable for people other than the attorneys.

LP does not know if he was singled out or if everyone was restricted from contacting them, which would constitute a Breach of Contract to ALL customers, not just LP. Consequently, LP wishes to move forward with a Class Action lawsuit against Huuuge Casino for a to be determined amount in damages for a variety of charges, still being compiled.

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What’s Next?

While this matter is being reviewed, ClassActionCountry.com is currently collecting basic contact information for others that were affected in similar ways specific to this event, but beyond that, we will be seeking information that could lead to additional Class Action lawsuits against Huuuge Casino. as there seems to be several possible suits to be brought against them. At this time, we are only collecting names and email addresses. We will reach out to you shortly to give you an opportunity to submit your story so it can be compared to other customers’ stories. You will NEVER be asked to provide your credit card information used to pay Huuuge Casino, nor any non-essential information. At no time during this process will you waive your rights to sue Huuuge Casino on your own and if a suit is filed, you will have the legal right to opt-out of it.